Patient Reviews

“Everything I’ve experienced so far has been immaculate.”


Laser Eye Surgery
February 2021

Suffering from short-sightedness, Sean was forced to wear glasses but found that he never quite grew accustomed to wearing them. Passionate about cycling in the local countryside, he often forgot his glasses and missed out on the picturesque views.

Also realising that his visual impairment was impacting his ability to drive, as he struggled to see traffic signals, he decided that he no longer wanted to put himself at risk and started looking into laser eye surgery: “I’m short-sighted so that was impacting on traffic and things like that. If I had forgotten my glasses or I had misplaced them, I was putting myself at risk which was very stupid. So, laser eye surgery was just a no-brainer for me really.”

When the global coronavirus pandemic also forced him to start wearing face coverings, which resulted in his glasses constantly fogging up, he finally made the decision to go for the procedure. “I quickly realised that there’s no possibility of being able to see and wear a mask at the same time. It’s one or the other and that’s it,” he explains. Booking in for a free consultation at Optical Express, as well as doing his own research into the procedure, he decided to opt for LASIK iDesign and booked in for treatment at the Optical Express clinic in Liverpool.

While he was slightly apprehensive at first, Sean was relieved to find that team members at the Liverpool clinic took the time to talk him through the process and answer any questions, which left him feeling confident when he went in for treatment. “Before I went into surgery, I had no fears or concerns, as everything was made very clear to me,” he says. The next morning, he couldn’t believe how much his vision had already improved, commenting: “I stepped out on the balcony and looked over at the far building, and I could see things on the balconies which I’ve never seen before. It was life-changing.”

Finally able to take in the stunning views, Sean is excited to get back on his bike and re-visit some of his favourite cycle routes. “There’s a popular cycle, the Wirral Way it’s called, and every time I’ve done it I’ve forgotten my glasses or lost my glasses. I want to go and do that and be able to see it properly, as I’ve missed out on quite a bit,” he says.

Sean has already recommended laser eye surgery to his sister, who has also been considering treatment. Referring to laser eye surgery as “life-changing”, he wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it, and Optical Express, to the rest of his family and friends: “I would recommend Optical Express ten times over. Everything I’ve experienced so far has been immaculate and brilliant. Words can’t describe it, it’s amazing.”